Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pictures above are of Major John Cessna's grave and memorial placed there in 1930 by the Gov. of Pa.

I spent the morning at the Mennonite/Amish Information Center this morning. Two films explained their history starting in Switzerland and Germany. Mennonites were the first to form and the Amish spun off from them. Things were really bad for them in Europe an thousands were killed because they did not believe in the state supported religion. Anyway the difference is that the Mennonites started to adopt more modern tech stuff, what ever that could have been back then. I then went to the research library at this center and the person that worked there gave me a book titled "Decendants of Christian Haldeman" I thought I had hit the motherload but looking into it further, this Christian was the nephew of Nicholas Haldeman. The book was written by a Milton Haldeman and I was able to get his phone number and talked to him on the phone for about 45 min tonight. He told me where all the documentation on the Haldemans was which was in Philly. I do not think I will make that trip as he had done that and spent months copying stuff. He did say that their were Haldemans in Mongomery and Chester counties that are still Mennonites. The Haltermans in East Straudsburg that have the car dealerships are from Nicholas according to Milton. I have only 2 more days before I have to leave and I want to make a trip to Gettysburg and maybe do a couple other things. They have Harley Davidson tours in York which is only 30 min away. I almost lost this whole post because I have to use the touch pad mouse and it is funny.
I drove over to Bedford today(110 mi) to find the John Cessna grave and memorial. He was our Great(x6)grandfather. I am going to post this before I loss it.

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